[h=2]Angler kämpft mit Fisch
Dicker Brocken am Haken
[/h] Es muss nicht immer auf stundenlanges Wurmbaden hinauslaufen: Dieses Video zeigt einen Petrijünger in Südamerika, der erhebliche Schwierigkeiten hat, seinen kapitalen Fang an Land zu ziehen...
Katzenwels XXL
[h=3]'It was a monster':Upstate angler reels in state record[/h]
“I didn't know exactly what I had,” Paula Haney said. “I just knew it was big. I kept thinking that it might be something special.” It was. When Paula finally reeled ...
[h=3]High Mississippi River means primetime catfishing[/h]
For some folks, like speckled trout anglers around the mouth of the Mississippi River and shrimpers anywhere east of Last Island, it means another weekend of ...
[h=3]Angler ties his own state record for flathead catfish[/h]
An angler has tied his own state record fish in the catch-and-release length category with a 49-inch flathead catfish, according to the Minnesota Department of ...
Wow..... sie sind riesig und sehen wirklich wie Karpfen aus.
Wahnsinns Fang! -
[h=3]Murfressboro angler catches 102-pound catfish[/h]
Although that record has since been replaced by Langdon Evans' 117-pound, 8-ounce fish, Royce has continued to land trophy blues for himself and his clients ...
[h=3]Angler Catches Record-Breaking Fish On St. Croix Near Stillwater[/h]
2 on the St. Croix River near Stillwater. He caught the 52-1/2 inch fish on 80 pound braided line with a 40 pound monofilament leader. It had a girth of 32 inches....
'A great 15-minute fight': Record catfish caught in Minnesota
Catfish heisst bei Amis und Briten alles mögliche
[h=3]RIVER MONSTER: 88 lb. catfish caught in Kentucky Lake[/h]
TWRA confirmed the river monster is a real fish, but it doesn't break the state record! The state record bluecat was caught on the Cumberland River in 1998 and ...
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